We would like to thank ...
I would like to thank everyone who made possible this event to occur, sending messages, videos, photos, and contributing with valuable information related to Simone.
In special, I would like to thank:
Celina, who started the call for this celebration. Thank you for your precious revisions on the text and also suggestions on the website.
Luisinho, who gave me all information needed to prepare a celebration
like this in the online format (including the website tips, e-mail templates and Logo).
Amanda, who helped in the difficulties with Wix, sharing doubts and always present to solve the problems that occurred. Thank you so much.
Diana, who helped me with the gift and preparation of art design for the site.
Isabel, who got in touch with former students and collected precious material for the website.
Renata Del-Vecchio, who got in contact with UFF professors and also was very collaborative.
Ana Luisa, who built the listing sheet of people involved in the celebration.
Thank you all!
Telma Pará
Organizing Committee
Amanda Abou Mourad, UFF
Ana Luísa, CEFET
Celina Figueiredo, UFRJ
Diana Sasaki, UERJ
Isabel Figueira, UFF
Renata Del-Vecchio
Telma Silveira Pará, FAETEC-RJ